Controlled Natural Gas Release Investigations
In order to advance understanding on fugitive gas from energy resource development an experimental field observatory for evaluating fugitive gas leakage has been established in an area of historic and ongoing hydrocarbon resource development within the Montney Resource Play of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, British Columbia, Canada. Natural gas has and will be intentionally released at surface and up to 25 m below surface at various rates and durations. Resulting migration patterns and impacts of the released natural gas are being evaluated through examination of the geology, hydrogeology, hydro-geochemistry, isotope geochemistry, hydro-geophysics, vadose zone and soil gas processes, microbiology, and atmospheric conditions. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles and remote sensors for monitoring and detection of methane is also being assessed for suitability as environmental monitoring tools.

Schematic of the HHFRS infrastructure and monitoring equipment.

Cross-section of the injection well and example monitoring well (not to scale).